Covid-19 Risk Assessment
Updated 19th July 2021
We want to assure you that we’re committed to creating safe, healthy and clean spaces for everyone at Bamboo Fitness.
We pride ourselves on providing an exercise space that is bright, light, tidy and clean. We will be regularly cleaning surfaces and areas that get most use including W.C’s, door handles, Reformers and small equipment with disinfectant throughout the day.
Please take extra care by washing hands thoroughly and regularly with warm water and if possible keep your hand sanitiser on you.
As per Government guidelines and for the sake of your fellow class participants, if you show any signs or symptoms please do not come to Bamboo Fitness.
Our teachers have been briefed and you will be turned away if you’re showing signs of illness.
Booking Online, Cashless and Track & Trace:
- Track and trace – all clients must book online in advance to secure their place.
- We are a cashless business so there is no handling of cash or cards.
On entering the facility:
- Please don’t arrive too early, 10 minutes is your earliest arrival time as you will be waiting outside the building at a designated point.
- As of the 19th July 2021, wearing a face covering will be optional. Please feel free to wear one if you prefer and also please respect personal space and the choices of others.
- All doors will be propped open so there is no need to touch anything on your way in and out of the studio.
- Current social distancing guidelines must be followed.
- If possible please come in your workout clothing but you will be able to use the changing cubicles if needed.
- Wash your hands before entering the studio or use your own personal hand sanitiser.
- You will be able to drop your belongings in the changing room then enter the studio.
- There is a 15 minute break between each class which will ensure there is no waiting around in groups and there is plenty of time for one group to leave the studio and the next to enter safely and separately.
Hand washing points:
- There are two WC’s on the ground floor each with wash basin facilities.
- There is another basin directly outside the WC’s on the ground floor to wash hands.
- At the top of the stairs as you enter the building just outside the studio there will be a hand sanitiser station.
- The changing rooms is also equipped with a washing basin.
Changing rooms and toilets:
- Lockers will remain in use as long as social distancing can be maintained.
- If possible please come in your workout clothing but you will be able to use the changing cubicles if needed.
- Showers are out of use for the time being.
- Wash your hands before entering the studio or use your own personal hand sanitiser.
- You will be able to drop your belongings in the changing room then enter the studio.
- Class numbers are limited to 10 clients and 1 teacher.
- All doors and windows will be propped open and fans will be on in all areas to ensure there is natural ventilation.
Exercising in the studio:
- Each Reformer is spaced out to ensure social distance guidelines are adhered to.
- Each Reformer area will have its own small equipment plus sprayer and cloth.
- Equipment will be cleaned in-between use. This can either be done by the customer or staff member using spray and cloths provided.
- No equipment will be shared during the classes.
Leaving the building:
- Once your class has finished and you have cleaned everything you have used then your teacher will guide you out of the studio to pick up your belongings and to leave promptly so the next group can enter.
- Please ensure you put your mask back on when leaving the Reformer studio.
- Hand towels are replenished each day.
- Please don’t gather in groups and block doorways and the staircase.
- If you are waiting at the designated point ready for your class, please be patient and wait for the teacher to welcome you in.
07969 083 261
1 Paxton Mews, Westow Street, Crystal Palace, London, SE19 3RW